$37.00 USD

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Funding for Founders: Mini-course Workbook + Video on Startup Funding Options

Let's make this quick and easy!

Let me summarize my 20+ years as a founder, consultant, digital educator, juror for entrepreneur contests, Angel investor and speaker and give you a quick way to learn what your startup funding options are -- even if you don't know the first thing about finance.

What you'll get:

  • A 20-minute video covering all of your startup funding options, by business stage and product type in order to help you decide what's most likely to work for you so that you can receive funding faster, and minimize the tedious time spent learning finance.

  • A companion workbook to manage your options and use our checklists to make your funding path even easier!

  • A Bonus Video with some pro-tips on 3 Ways to Make it Easier to Fund Your Startup!