You donā€™t need VC money.

You just
need funding.

But the elephant in the room? You have no idea what to do to *actually* make that kinda money happen.



that VC money is the best (and only) way to fund your startup, just because you saw it on Shark Tank that time. But your product is *so* not ready to go to market, you don’t 100% know what you’re doing, and there’s no way that anyone (especially a VC) is ready to invest in you…at least not yet

You know there are probably things that investors are looking for—metrics, customer data, and a go-to-market plan, for starters. But the truth is that most days you feel like you’re totally out of your league. 

And just being honest here, but you’re also going broke bootstrapping. You know you need the support of a business advisor who can tell you exactly what to do, but you can’t afford to hire an expensive consultant. 

You’re down to roll up your sleeves and bootstrap your startup journey, but you also don’t know what your options are for finding and  using someone else’s money.

Which totally sucks because you’re *also* busy wearing all the hats and doing all the things. You know there’s got to be a better way to go about finding funding, but these days? You feel like you’re banging your head against the wall and making zero progress while doing it. The worst. 

Sometimes you wish you could just get your foot in the right door so you didn’t feel like you were on the brink of giving up. You swear you’d do anything to find the right investors and funding options…if you only knew what you were doing wrong.




that VC money is the best (and only) way to fund your startup, just because you saw it on Shark Tank that time. But your product is *so* not ready to go to market, you don’t 100% know what you’re doing, and there’s no way that anyone (especially a VC) is ready to invest in you…at least not yet


You know there are probably  things that investors are looking for —metrics, customer data, and a go-to-market plan, for starters. But the truth is that most days you feel like you’re totally out of your league. 


And just being honest here, but you’re also going broke bootstrapping. You know you need the support of a business advisor who can tell you exactly what to do, but you can’t afford to hire an expensive consultant.


You’re down to roll up your sleeves and bootstrap your startup journey, but you also don’t know what your options are for finding and  using someone else’s money.


Which totally sucks because you’re *also* busy wearing all the hats and doing all the things. You know there’s got to be a better way to go about finding funding, but these days? You feel like you’re banging your head against the wall and making zero progress while doing it. The worst. 


Sometimes you wish you could just get your foot in the right door so you didn’t feel like you were on the brink of giving up. You swear you’d do anything to find the right investors and funding options…if  you only knew what you were doing wrong.




But what if it didn’t have to be like this? 

Because believe it or not, it’s totally possible to…

  • Feel 100% confident (and have the customer data to back it up) so investors start taking you seriously

  • Have a fool-proof game plan for funding your business that doesn’t feel like a full-time job

  • Efficiently amplify your startup budget to create a funding strategy that works for your concept

…oh…*and* it can happen without you spending hours getting ghosted on LinkedIn or pivoting in the wrong direction (again). 

This isn’t just marketing BS. 

We’ve supported HUNDREDS of founders to fund their startups, build their dream teams, and bring together a powerhouse advisory boards in juuuuuuust about every industry you can think of.


You’re a founder, not a financier.

And the most important job on your plate? Relentlessly building your business—not learning how to speak "CFO".

Wouldnā€™t it,
be cool ifā€¦

  • 1 You knew EXACTLY how to land your first (or next) $100k or $1M+ in startup capital?
  • 2 You didnā€™t have to feel so uneasy while shaking hands with every investor in your city
  • 3 You could get YEARS of time back and ditch all of those books and podcasts about how to find funding
  • 4 You had a practical, pragmatic, and an uber creative approach to finding the cash to fund your biz
  • 5 You had clear answers to what is (and isnā€™t!) working with your pitch or brand story
  • 6 You built a solid foundation that had investors clearly seeing your potential (and *also* reaching for their wallets)

Broadly Propelled: The Membership

by Broad of Directors For founders ready to go
from flat broke to funded

You want to build your startup the right way:

  • By anticipating the tough Qs from investors, instead of being reactive or blanking out onā€¦wellā€¦everything
  • By working wiith a team of entrepreneurs and advisors who can guide you with grace because theyā€™ve done this before
  • By dropping the ā€œfake it ā€˜til you make itā€ act and admitting that you donā€™t actually know WTF youā€™re doing
  • By leading your team like a true visionary, who can direct your company and concept with confidence and resilience
  • By telling your story and your mission with a pitch that captivates the audience in ANY room you speak in
  • By learning from and leaning on DECADES of entrepreneurial and startup wisdom that you can trust

Whatā€™s included when you sign on as a founding member of Propelled:

  • One 60-minute group mentoring session each month with Deb and other highly qualified guest experts
  • Premium resources for startup founders including training videos, templates, worksheets, and checklists (with new content added each month)
  • Private access to a community of fellow founders you can leverage for your questions, referrals, or direct feedback
  • Thousands of dollars worth of exclusive content and interviews with guest experts for every stage of your startup journey
  • A safe space to ask questions and be real without feeling like you have to wear a mask or fake it ā€˜til you make it

Hereā€™s a sneak peek at some of the topics youā€™ll unlock:

  • 1 Brand storytelling ā€” how to captivate anyone you talk to while telling (and selling!) your mission, vision, and founderā€™s story
  • 2 Team structure ā€” how to find and curate the right people to help you get your venture to the next stage ā€” ready for investors
  • 3 Concept proofing ā€” how to leverage customer data, validate your business idea, and test your market before you sell your idea
  • 4 Funding strategy ā€” how to fund your venture using creative and accessible financing solutions, without ever approaching a VC firm
  • 5 KPIs, data, & metrics ā€” how to gather and present key data that makes your biz run more efficiently (and has investors drooling, too)
  • 6 Executive training ā€” how to lead your startup and your team like the visionary you are, even if youā€™ve never managed people before ā€¦and so much more.


for you?

This is for you ifā€¦

You know you need to find funding of $100k+, but you have no idea how to do it

 You want to work with a seasoned startup advisor without paying thousands of dollars to do it

You’re ready to do the work and build the right foundation to take your startup to the next level

This is noT for you ifā€¦

You just have an idea, but aren’t ready to start actively selling your products or services

 You can’t free up a few hours of your time each week to do the work and apply what you’ll learn

You’re not comfortable getting feedback from your peers, and want to keep DIYing it all on your own

Oh P.S. Have we met?

I'm Deb

Founder + Investor + 3X Serial Entrepreneur

I’m the founder and CEO here at Broad of Directors and I’ve made it my mission to help founders like you find funding in a way that works for you and your business. 

After 20+ years in entrepreneurship, including finding investors for my own concepts and angel investing in many others, I know a thing or two about how to secure startup funding. 

Here’s what I can tell you: having a good business idea isn’t the same as executing a business plan or pitching people to actually fund it. 

Which is why I’m here to help you dissect every area of your startup, determine your best route to securing funds (even if it’s not VC money), and support you on your journey to making it happen.

Does this all feel like one BIG hell yes?

Annual Membership

$32/ month (if paid annually $382)

You’re committed to your concept and ready to create and execute a funding strategy in the next 12 months or less. 

(Psssst…annual members get 2 months free!)

Monthly Membership


You’re ready to set aside a few hours each month to learn EXACTLY how to fund your startup.



How much time do I need to devote to this membership each week?

What happens if I canā€™t attend the sessions live?

Is this membership right for my business or concept?

What makes you qualified to lead this group?

What happens after I purchase my membership?

Can I cancel my membership?