Get Funded

You're a Founder, not a Financier...

But you're starting to realize you're gonna need startup funding...and there's nothing you'd rather NOT have to deal with.

Because you already have a full time job running your startup.

In order to get you funded faster, and minimize the tedious, I created this 20 minute step-by-step video (and accompanying workbook with checklists) that automatically dismantles your false beliefs and guides you to success! 

I give you a quick and easy explanation of which funding options are most likely to work for you based on your business stage, product or service, and your team.

If you're ready to admit that you're gonna need funding and aren't sure about the quickest path to success, this is for you!



  • 1 How to quickly and easily understand the funding options available to you, based on your specific company and product details.
  • 2 How to avoid the common funding pitfalls that waste your time and won't work.
  • 3 The exact approach to follow to get funding based on your business stage, and product type -- and what you'll need to get to the next stage.
  • 4 Use our done-for-you checklists for each funding type to make sure you’re eligible.
  • 5 Learn the exact decisions that you’ll need to make before starting any round of funding.
  • 6 Understand which types of investors are the most likely to invest in you and your company NOW.



ONE BONUS STRATEGY video that will transform your thinking about funding by demystifying investor thinking.


what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying what our clients are saying



  • 20-minute video covering all of your startup funding options, by business stage and product type in order to help you receive funding faster, and minimize the tedious time spent learning finance.

  • companion workbook to manage your options and use our checklists to make your funding path even easier!

  • Bonus Video, 3 Ways to Make it Easier to Fund Your Startup! 



  • Deb Perkins is a 3X Entrepreneur & 2X Intra-preneur

    with deep experience as a founder, consultant, judge for entrepreneurial competitions, digital educator, advisor, angel investor and speaker helping hundreds of founders over the past 20+ years.
  • Deb's mission is to help founders build companies that succeed and self-fund, or find funding, so that founders can experience more of the joy of creating and less of the anxiety that comes with taking big financial risks.
  • You can find Deb exploring her newish state of Texas, hanging out with her family and friends and her miniature dachshund puppy, hiking, traveling to exotic places and always learning something new!

Maybe it's time to 
take back control. 

Why not seize the moment and begin right here, right now?Life's too short to waste worrying about how you're going to make the payroll.


Entrepreneurship is a marathon.  Let us help you over the finish line!